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Media: Convicts take hostages in Russian prison, kill one.

Convicts took prison employees hostage in a jail in Russia’s Volgograd Oblast on Aug. 23 and killed one employee, the Russian state-controlled news agency TASS reported.
According to TASS, the incident occurred during a meeting of a disciplinary commission Penal Colony No. 19 in the town of Surovikino.
At least three prisoners participated in the attack, Russian Telegram channels claim. The head of the jail, Andrey Devyatov, was also among the hostages, whose number is still unclear, according to the Russian Telegram channel Shot.
Andrey Bocharov, governor of Volgograd Oblast, said that four employees were hospitalized with injuries.
The Kyiv Independent could not verify these claims.
A similar incident occurred on June 16, when six prisoners, some of whom were accused of links to the Islamic State terrorist group, took two employees hostage in a detention center in Russia’s Rostov-on-Don.
Russian security forces stormed the prison, killing at least some of the convicts, TASS reported.
